Thursday 26 July 2012

Way Down South

On Saturday 21 July, five members of Stafford group walked the most southerly leg of the Staffordshire Way from Kinver to Enville. After some delayed journeys due to an abnormal load travelling along the A449, Sarah, Kay, Trish, Jane and Lois met at Kinver Rock Houses, having left cars at the Cat Inn at Enville.

At holy Austin Rock
First we looked around the Rock Houses which have been restored by the National Trust to show life there in the 1930s and 50s. They were inhabited until the 1960s and we were amused to hear that if a family needed more room the Victorian father got out his sledgehammer and excavated further into the sandstone rock.

Inside a house
Looking at artefacts
Chatting on the Rock
It was warm enough to have our picnic near the tea room before setting out on our walk.

Picnic at Holy Austin Rock
This part of the way is very pleasant with well-defined tracks and paths, and old-established woods.

It was a bit squelchy underfoot at times where bikes had churned up the ground.

There has to be mud
We particularly liked one path which had been cut out of the red sandstone rock.

Sandstone worn away by walkers' feet
Nearing Enville we passed Enville Hall which has a beautiful herbaceous border and a ha-ha separating it from parkland.

The ha-ha at Enville
Then we came across a game of cricket being played on the pitch next to the walled garden. It was a very English scene.

Cricket at Enville
After a cold drink at the Cat Inn, we took walkers back to cars at Kinver. All in all, an excellent day in the country - and completed without waterproofs!

At the Cat Inn

Written by Lois with photos by Sarah and Trish


  1. Those Rock Houses look fascinating. I'm a member of the NT but am ashamed to say I've never been to Kinver. Will be remedying that soon though. Glad you had good weather for a change and thanks for your interesting post.

  2. Like Jenny I have never been to Kinver but must really make the effort. Thanks for the excellent blog entry and photos, did Sarah have a touch of the deja vu?

    Well done

    Sarah (Trentham)

  3. Haven't these ladies had enough of walking yet? So glad they had good weather, although it may have been a little too hot.

  4. This post provides us with another good reminder that the length of Staffordshire is full of surprises and hidden gems of one sort and another. It makes me feel like exploring further.

    It will be pleasing to reprise some of the star locations of the Staffs Way at our celebration picnic on 15 September.
