Walking Calendar


  1. Hi Shenstone
    I see you are walking Hobb Lane to Abbots Bromley this next week. Our section of the walk actually finishes at Hobb Lane but we plan to carry on into Abbots Bromley. Can you please look out on your way to see how dog friendly that stretch would be? In other words do the stiles have places for dogs to go through or would she have to climb over?

    Many thanks.

    Sarah Akhtar

    1. Hi

      We'll check it out. I think one of our walkers might be taking a dog anyway.

  2. Hi Sarah

    I can now report on the dog friendliness of this section as one of our group took her dog with us. It was all fine apart from one double stile where there were no doggy sized holes at ground level. We had to lift Poppy onto the stile platform to reach the part where she could climb through. I guess it therefore depends on the size of the dog. You can see Poppy on our blog photo - I'd grade her as medium sized! Apart from that, and one field of cows, she was able to roam freely. Hope you enjoy it.

    Jo Roberts
