Monday 9 July 2012

Lovely Day

Eccleshall NWR – Stage 6

Having been invited to be part of the Staffordshire Way Challenge we decided to forego our usual summer ramble and join in. With busy lives and family committments we decided to choose Saturday 30th June 2012 and make the whole 10.5 mile stage a day walk.
Unfortunately, as is the way when planning so far ahead, life interfered and we had only four members able to take part. However, undaunted we set forth.
Starting early we dropped off a car at Penkridge and travelled together to Colwich.  Luckily we were able to park next to the village church

  which was also beside the starting footpath leading to Colwich Lock.

Walking alongside the tranquil canal for 1 1/4miles we were joined by narrow boats and interested bird life

until we arrived at the edge of Shugborough Hall.


Here we were able to take in the picturesque grandeur of this setting before negotiating a stretch of roadway to arrive at the beginning of the Cannock Chase section.
The weather had been fine and sunny so far and we were able to enjoy the bracken and woodland of the Chase made lush by the recent rains as we continued passed the landmark Stepping Stones,

upwards over wide expanses of heath, to reach the top and the Glacial Boulder, this was the halfway point and a welcome break.

After lunch the route took us down the Chase, over farmland to arrive at Bednall. The village was decked in bright Jubilee colour and happened to be celebrating their local fete - so obviously we had to take a break!

With only a mild shower we continued over park and farmland in order to rejoin the canal and the final leg which lead to the finishing point at The Boat in Penkridge.

We were somewhat fatigued, but delighted it had been a successful and enjoyable day.

Submitted by Mary


  1. Interesting account & photos. Glad that you had reasonable weather. The countryside looked really varied and no mention of the dreaded stiles. It was lucky to be passing through Bednall on fete day! Pleased that you had an enjoyable day and hope that the groups who still have to walk have successful walks too!

  2. Well done Eccleshall! Parts of this Way are becoming familiar to me!
    Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

    Sarah Akhtar (Trentham)
