Monday 16 July 2012

Good Day Sunshine

Disappointed that events reduced the turn-out on the first walk, another five members, using the well-tested transport arrangements, set forth from Colwich on 7 July.

As there is no need to repeat the scenic description I thought you might appreciate a photographic report.

Sam points out trouble by the chicken coop

 at Colwich Lock.

Just adding to the beauty of Shugborough.

An energy top-up at the start of Cannock Chase.

Stepping out again

and over The Chase.

Ladies, could you just move that boulder a little to the right!

Idyllic countryside around Bednall.

The final stretch

to The Boat at Penkridge.

Again we were fortunate to have a day of fine weather and I think Stage 6 of the Staffordshire Way has now been well walked and thoroughly enjoyed by members of our group.

Submitted by Mary.


  1. Well done, Eccleshall! You must have chosen one of the very few days of summer weather we've had this year. Is it a stoat or a weasel by the chicken coop? Someone in your group was eagle-eyed to have spotted it, whatever it is!

  2. Excellent photos of an interesting stretch of the Staffs in fine weather. You definitely chose a good day.

    Might it have been a mink by the chicken coop?

    Lovely to see that the poppies are still holding their heads up in Bednall.

  3. I think I've seen that boulder before!

    Well done and great photos.

    Sarah (Trentham)
