Sunday 22 July 2012

Keep Your Sunny Side Up

11th July Oakmeadow to Alton

Wolstanton walkers (Karen, Barbara, Eileen, Lesley, Chris J and Chris O) near the beginning of the walk, before crossing over footbridge near Black Lion Pub. Water really foaming here by weir! The sun was peeking out, though it had drizzled a bit, meaning waterproof jackets on for the start of walk – it didn’t look very promising at this stage!!

Reached bridge 53 which is called Cherry Eye Bridge – apparently limestone workers in the area used to get sore (red) eyes from their work, hence its name.

This was a time to take ofour jackets, to the accompaniment of birdsong and sunshine.

From the bottom of the valley we had views up towards our planned coffee stop – Kingsley Bird and Falconry Centre. The ‘reward’ kept us going up the steep slope, through lots of ferns – bit slippery – walking poles were really appreciated!

One of our drivers, Mavis, drove to meet us here (at the Centre) for morning coffee.

After our exertions to get to the Bird Centre, we found that there was another climb coming up next, Lesley warned us!!
We were refreshed by tea, coffee, bananas and snacks, and Christine J had brought some Cadbury fudge bars, which brought a spontaneous chorus of “,,, a finger of fudge is just enough, to give your kids a treat…” . Barbara and Lesley bought free-range eggs, as our kindly driver offered to put them in the car for later.

We made it through the mud and past the overgrown prickly holly where the stile was (!) – we’re near Kingsley churchyard here– but the horse was a bit more interested in the smell of our lunch than some of us would have liked – Chris J thought he was after her apple (“go AWAY!…she told him, to no avail).

We picnicked in a field in the sunshine before continuing downwards and crossing over a stream.

Here is Eileen climbing over a stile at the end of the bridge before getting into more MUD!

We reached Hawksmoor after a break in the sun by a lovely clear pool, where Barbara said “I’m never doing this walk again in my life!”… but “… I liked the canals bit”.

Picture shows us at National Trust Hawksmoor, having another break for (choice of)yoghurt/coffee/ water.

On the way to Ramblers’ Retreat tea rooms, with leader’s estimate of only 20 more minutes to tea rooms (phew!). Sky is now almost completely blue – such a welcome change from when we first set off.

We had various snacks including toasted tea-cakes – but the buzzer to go and collect hers really made Karen jump when it went off, as we were all busy chatting.

Driver Mavis met us here and took a group photo. She then took some of the rucksacks in the car but Karen decided to plod on with hers to the end!

Another steep climb up through Toothill Wood (National Trust again) and we came out at the top! Lesley saw a tyre hanging from a tree and couldn’t resist a swing on it!

5.17pm… near the end now – we’re quite high up here though you maybe can’t tell from the photo – steep drop behind us - and the Tower of Alton Towers in the background.

From here it was just a short walk downwards past the “Royal Oak” pub to the end of the walk. We were all keen to get home after an enjoyable, but long, day’s walking; (we did all our 3 sections in 1 day).

Submitted by Karen


  1. Good on you, girls! You seem to have got the walk/snack balance down to an art. Obviously a finger of fudge was just enough to give Lesley the extra energy boost for swinging on the tyre!

  2. Well done Wolstanton, your perseverence was rewarded with blue skies.
    Great blog entry too with lots of photos.
    See you at the Tree House in September!

    Sarah (on behalf of Trentham group)

  3. Well done, Wolstanton! That was a good walk, but at least you could enjoy the lovely views.
    I remember the 'stile' through the holly bush in the corner of St Werbergh's churchyard!

  4. Very pleased that your planning paid off and that you were rewarded with good weather. It was a challenge doing the whole stage in one day, but you took it on and from the photos it looked as though you enjoyed it too!
