Tuesday 21 February 2012

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

This made me smile:

Life Lessons for Hikers

A pebble in a hiking boot always migrates to the point of maximum irritation.

The return distance to the trailhead where you parked your car remains constant as twilight approaches.

The sun sets two-and-a-half times faster than normal when you're hurrying back to the trailhead.

The mosquito population at any given location is inversely proportional to the effectiveness of your repellent.

Waterproof rainwear isn't. (However, it is 100% effective at containing perspiration.)

The width of backpack straps decreases with the distance hiked. To compensate, the weight of the backpack increases.

Average temperature increases with the amount of extra clothing you're carrying in your backpack.

The weight in a backpack can never remain uniformly distributed.

One needs a sense of humour when hiking in galeforce winds on Shining Tor!

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