Tuesday 28 February 2012

Move It

I was surprised to read somewhere that in an average lifetime a person will walk about 65,000 miles. That's three times round the earth! Hard to believe isn't it? Well in case you're feeling you need a bit of a nudge out the door, here are a few suggestions for getting motivated.

1. Make walking fun by walking as long as it takes to spot say, three white vans or three dogs, then keep on walking with  a new objective.
2. Arrange to walk at a set time with a friend. You wouldn't want to let the friend down by making excuses for not showing up, would you?
3. Ask someone to buy you a pedometer. You couldn't possibly offend the gift giver by not using it!
4. Keep a record of when, where and for how long you walk. You'll feel good about yourself when you make walking a regular commitment.
5. Give yourself a reward for going out, eg a bath with essential oils, a hot cup of cocoa or a glass of wine.
6. Look at some inspirational pictures of your local landscape and you'll surely want to get out there and be at one with your surroundings.

Canal at Longsdon
White Nancy, Bollington (I know it's not part of the Staffs Way but it was beautiful even on a wet and blustery day.)

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