Wednesday 29 February 2012

Let's Get Physical

Last night I watched Horizon:The Truth about Exercise. Aside from the slightly annoying acronyms which littered the programme, there were some rather revealing, thought-provoking insights into exercise. If you missed the programme, it's available on BBC iPlayer until Tuesday 17 April click here for the link
The presenter Dr Michael Mosley was also interviewed on Woman's Hour last week and you can listen again here:

Basically, keep off your bottom, keep walking and you'll live longer (as well as saving on gym subscriptions).

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Move It

I was surprised to read somewhere that in an average lifetime a person will walk about 65,000 miles. That's three times round the earth! Hard to believe isn't it? Well in case you're feeling you need a bit of a nudge out the door, here are a few suggestions for getting motivated.

1. Make walking fun by walking as long as it takes to spot say, three white vans or three dogs, then keep on walking with  a new objective.
2. Arrange to walk at a set time with a friend. You wouldn't want to let the friend down by making excuses for not showing up, would you?
3. Ask someone to buy you a pedometer. You couldn't possibly offend the gift giver by not using it!
4. Keep a record of when, where and for how long you walk. You'll feel good about yourself when you make walking a regular commitment.
5. Give yourself a reward for going out, eg a bath with essential oils, a hot cup of cocoa or a glass of wine.
6. Look at some inspirational pictures of your local landscape and you'll surely want to get out there and be at one with your surroundings.

Canal at Longsdon
White Nancy, Bollington (I know it's not part of the Staffs Way but it was beautiful even on a wet and blustery day.)

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

This made me smile:

Life Lessons for Hikers

A pebble in a hiking boot always migrates to the point of maximum irritation.

The return distance to the trailhead where you parked your car remains constant as twilight approaches.

The sun sets two-and-a-half times faster than normal when you're hurrying back to the trailhead.

The mosquito population at any given location is inversely proportional to the effectiveness of your repellent.

Waterproof rainwear isn't. (However, it is 100% effective at containing perspiration.)

The width of backpack straps decreases with the distance hiked. To compensate, the weight of the backpack increases.

Average temperature increases with the amount of extra clothing you're carrying in your backpack.

The weight in a backpack can never remain uniformly distributed.

One needs a sense of humour when hiking in galeforce winds on Shining Tor!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

My Funny Valentine

To mark this special day on which lovers traditionally express their feelings for each other, you'll never guess what I received. No flowers. No chocolates. No romantic candlelit dinner either. No, my thoughtful, unconventional husband bought me a set of OS maps covering the Staffordshire Way. The only problem is, he bought these:

instead of these:

Landranger maps are scaled at 1:50 000. Explorer maps are 1:25 000. The beauty is in the detail. Make sure you get the bigger scaled maps, or better still, ask someone special to buy them for you.
(Details of the map(s) covering your particular section of the walk will be included in your resource pack.)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Baby It's Cold Outside

So, the weather may be chilly outside, but provided you wear the right gear, you should keep warm and dry in even the worst weather. Just before Christmas I visited Denmark in sub zero temperatures and had the opportunity to test out some thermal underwear I'd bought from Aldi, of all places. It was non-restrictive, comfortable, incredibly cheap and it worked really well! I don't know if Aldi are still selling thermals but the brand name is Crane and I can thoroughly recommend it. The following YouTube video has some sensible advice on kitting yourself out for walking in bad weather, although I believe mittens are warmer than gloves and there is no mention here of waterproof trousers.

Take your walking poles for extra stability and if it's really icy you could always invest in a pair of YakTrax!
Remember ladies, to protect your face with moisturiser and lip balm and then you're ready for anything the British climate can throw at us.

Monday 6 February 2012

I Know Where I'm Going

and I know who's going with me!

Although each group is only committed to walking one stage, you can of course choose to walk further sections if you wish. Watch this space for further information.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Up bright and early this morning as full of excitement as any child at the sight of all the snow that blanketed the countryside.

Set off to get the Sunday newspaper and some milk but took a little detour.

No chance of sitting to admire the view today!

Not a duck in sight on the canal feeder either.

Good job I knew where I was going!

(These photos were taken on Section 5 of Stage 2 (between Rudyard and Deep Hayes) of the Staffordshire Way.)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Walking Back to Happiness

and Healthiness!

Can you believe walking gives us all these benefits?
Perhaps this will be the incentive I need!