Thursday 3 May 2012

No parrots in Parrot's Drumble!

I visited the evocatively named Parrot's Drumble today.  It is one of the Staffs Wildlife Trust Reserves, located at Talke, just off the A500 in North Staffs.  There were no parrots to be seen but there were plenty of wooded slopes sporting hazy carpets of bluebells.  It's not on the Staffs Way, but it is well worth a visit and the bluebells should be around for another couple of weeks.


  1. Parrot's Drumble. I'm intrigued as to how it got the name. Lovely pictures M. What makes the ground so red? Must visit whilst the bluebells are still out.

  2. Well drained soils high in oxygen and therefore increased oxidisation are generally reddish mum!

  3. The unusual name is because the land used to belong to the Parrot family. Drumble is the name for a wooded valley and the red stream is the result of iron oxide leaching from local mineral workings....or so it says on the website! It is quite near to an industrial estate, but it feels very sylvan, although I would not have been surprised to see a dinosaur emerge from the red swamp!

    1. Thanks for the explanation. Nobody's mentioned your pic of the tree trunk yet. Saggy old breast or an eye? Interesting.
