Monday 21 May 2012

Fields of Gold

Twelve  walkers from Shenstone group plus Poppy the dog did the first section of our walk (4.1 miles) from Hobbs Lane to Abbots Bromley on 16 May. We were incredibly lucky with the weather as it was the only dry day of the week. Not only was it dry, but sunny and warm too, so it's true that the sun shines on the righteous!!
Setting off

This walk is very much across country so there weren't many landmarks or points of interest, but some stunning views across fields of rape.

Rape field
We found the route easy to follow, apart from a few stiles that had been removed and a brief moment of confusion:

Private road

Just to prove we made it, here we are in front of the Butter Cross in Abbots Bromley, with the Goat's Head Inn on the right and the church at the back which displays the horns used in the annual Abbots Bromley Horn Dance

We had a very nice lunch at the Goat's Head Inn before catching the bus back to Lichfield. This turned out to be something of a white knuckle ride very fast along single track lanes while the driver made up 10 minutes but we all survived!!

Submitted by Jo


  1. Good to read about Shenstone's sunny walk along the way and to see some familar faces...Kath, Joy, Yvonne, Viv, Caz and Jo. Getting 13 walkers, not forgetting Poppy the dog, to and from the start and finish must have been a logistics quagmire!

  2. Thanks Jo. As you know Trentham will probably be doing this stretch tacked onto our last section so it's good to read of your experience.
    I think we decided it would be more fun to finish at The Goat's Head rather than Hobb Lane!
    How did the dog get on?
