Friday 11 May 2012

Keep Right on to the end of the Road

Long Walkers Continue To Warm Up On The Way For The Millennium

On Friday 4th May, Long Walkers caught the 481 Newport bus from Stafford, and alighted at Outwoods to join The Way For The Millennium. This is a 40 mile walk from Outwoods, near Newport, to Shobnall, on the edge of Burton, designed to be accessible to all, in that it is easily reached by public transport and offers easy walking, largely along a disused railway and canal towpaths. The three Stafford members had decided to walk along the Greenway back to Stafford. The first part of the Greenway, to Gnosall, was bordered with spring flowers, such as primroses, cowslips, bluebells, stitchwort and Jack-in-the-hedge.
Straight ahead on The Greenway
After Gnosall, there were few flowers to enliven the long straight route. There is a pub, the Red Lion, right on the Way, at Derrington, but alas it no longer opens at lunchtime during the week. However, the apple blossom was pretty on Millennium Green, and we achieved our aim of walking a brisk 10 miles!
If you would like to try this route, a guidebook is available from the County Council.
At Millennium Green
(Post submitted by Sarah)

1 comment:

  1. The Long Walk will be a breeze at this rate! Impressive preparation and use of public transport from the Stafford long walkers.
