Sunday 22 April 2012

Get Ready

Sarah of Stafford writes:
Long Walk Training Begins

As not all members of the Long Walk group are used to long-distance walking, we have decided that we need to train for our challenge. Our aim is to increase the distance we are used to walking in a day, and we also hope to tackle a shorter and easier long-distance walk before we set out on the Staffordshire Way itself. For logistical reasons, members in the middle of the county (Stafford) and those further north (Trentham and Moorlands) are organising their training separately.

On Saturday 21st April, three Stafford members walked a circular route over Cannock Chase, which is very close to home for them. They walked 9 and a quarter miles, with a short stop at the Springslade Lodge cafe, well-timed to coincide with a heavy rain shower, and a lunch break in the Sherbrook Valley, also well-timed, as they ate bathed in sunshine. Their route briefly followed a short section of the Staffordshire Way.

The next walk will be longer!

At the Glacial Boulder
Spring comes to Cannock Chase
Walking down the Oldacre Valley

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