Sunday 15 April 2012

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

On Friday 13 April, seven members of Staffordshire Moorlands NWR (Maggie, Tessa, Liz, Jenny, Yvonne, Pauline & Jane) set off to walk 10.1miles from Mow Cop to Ryecroft Gate.

It's 10.00 am and we're on our way!
Dogs straight on, Slightly Confused Women to the left!

One man went to Mow, went to mow a meadow

Tess comments how misty it is

Are you sure this is the path?

Of course it is!
Mud glorious mud

"Nick i' the Hill"

Free range Shetland Ponies

What's up duck?

Onwards and Upwards

Does it explain here what "gay oil" is?

Wood anemones
and soon the bluebells will be blooming

Get your kicks on Route 55

Hawthorn and Holly

Deep down into the woods

There was total agreement

Tessa's looking for her contact lens
Up and over
Ahhhh, baaa!

I can see clearly now......... it's this way

Still in total agreement

Footpath diversion

Mellow Yellow

Keep right on to the end of the road

Tessa still looking for her contact lens. There's a telescopic lens on the horizon
We'll lend you our map if you take our photo

Hey, you, get offa my cloud!

Fantastic view

Oh what  a shame.....

Looking back, over my shoulder

Nearly there!

Does this signal the end?
Two happy taxi drivers

And at the end of all that, two superfit members, Liz and Yvonne, walked an extra seven miles all the way to Deep Hayes.
Well done girls!


  1. Great post and lovely pics! Looks like a fab day! Xxx

  2. Looks like you "girls" had some fun and a good walk too. Great photos! Hope all the other NWR walkers enjoy their walks as much!

  3. Go back and study the 4 ducks carefully

  4. One of the amazing things about the walk was the variety of weather we experienced. At one point looking to the right the sun was out and the warmth was soaking into our faces. Look to the left and the sky was dark black clouds lowering down like a winter day. As we waklked through the woods there was a stir as rain started to patter down and hoods were pulled up and shoulders pulled in. Then hail started to beat down, the full impact softened by the branches of the trees as we hurried through. We sat on the Cloud in warm sunshine with no wind eating our meagre meal and then slithered and plodged through a mile or so down lower and lower skittering through mud and pools of muddy water. But hey what do you expect walking in England on an April day.

  5. As Tessa says, weather is one of the pleasures of walking, in that when you are out in it, you experience it to the full, be what it may!
