Thursday 5 April 2012

Just Walking the Dog

Sarah from Trentham has written the following post about her preparation for 'The Walk'.

Better weather this morning so Rosie and I have walked a part of the Staffordshire Way and done a bit of a recce.
I parked in Uttoxeter near the station as that is where the path comes into the town. From there we walked north across fields, over stiles, under fences (Rosie) to the A50.
We negotiated the cycle track, crossed the bridge and found the tunnel underneath. Once north of the noisy road we walked across fields that were not at all waterlogged and got as far as Sidford Wood.

The path is very poorly maintained, some stiles are overgrown and there are places where Rosie struggled to get through but we did it.
We turned around before we got to the north end of the wood as we had been walking for almost an hour and had to retrace our steps.
Once back in the car I drove up to Rocester to check out Abbey Rd car park, just as well I did as it doesn't seem to exist any more! No matter as there is plenty of on street parking. From there up to Denstone to look at The Tavern pub (this had been recommended but I was not convinced). Pub was closed but just nearby is a fantastic farm shop and cafe, Denstone Hall (click here). I had coffee there and asked them about a large group arriving next Friday, no problem but we will need to book, its very popular. Looks ideal, they do sandwiches or hot meals and its only around 200yds off our path.
From there I drove up to Alton and checked if there is anywhere to park where the Staffs Way leaves the village, again we can park on the street where its wide enough. All we need now is a dry day.
Fingers crossed for next Friday and our first walk.

Thanks Sarah. Staffs Moorlands are walking their section of The Way on the same day, so let's hope the sun shines on us all.


  1. Thanks for this post Sarah. It looks as though the recce with Rosie has paid off in more ways than one. Is it wrong to be looking forward to lunch at Denstone Hall farm shop and cafe as much as the walk? It feels as though we might be able to do our own NWR annotated version of the Staffs Way with recommended tea stops. Could be useful for the "long walkers" too!

  2. No harm in looking forward to the lunch, it will be a 'just' reward for your ambulatory exertions.
