Saturday 30 June 2012

When You're Smiling....


Bugs, Barley and a Boulder

Thankfully a calm day after yestesterday's storms, with good weather for walking - dry with some sunshine and a refreshing breeze.

Just five of us returned to set off again from Lapley Church - the sixth had been called away to domestic duties.  Everyone donned waterproof trousers, ready for more wet undergrowth. We all reported that our hands, which had various lumps and bumps, had been itching during the night - bugs?! But off we went to see what today would hold.

It was a lovely morning, and we enjoyed some wide views over fields of barley waving in the wind.

 Before long, we were approaching Polytunnel Land.

Today we needed to remove our waterproof gear.

Jane was prepared for the worst!

We still had to walk along overgrown field paths, but at least the greenery was dry today.

Everywhere we saw debris obviously left by rushing water, and as we reached Mitton Lane, we felt pleased we hadn't been there the day before. Until we rounded the corner ...

But what's a little floodwater to NWR members? Or a little mud?

 Some obstacles require a little thought

but an NWR member finds a way through!

After admiring the poppies

we spotted a handy bench for our elevenses.

Of course, this was the signal for it to start raining, but the shower did not last long.

A footbridge to nowhere.

Along the lane into Penkridge, where there were still signs of yesterday's floods in the High Street.

Penkridge is an old coaching town

with every facility: a bakery,

a bench

and loos.

From Penkridge we walked along the Staffs and Worcester Canal.

Private Parking!

The canal itself was peaceful, but the M6 could be seen and heard all too clearly,

Once we'd crossed under the motorway,

we soon reached Parkgate Lock for lunch.

Then it was over the bridge and into Teddesley Park -fields of oats this time!

Teddesley Hall is long gone, though the Home Farm remains.

We passed through a shady belt of trees

and made for the village of Bednall. Cow in the road!

A patriotic scarecrow.

Looking back towards Bednall over a barley field.

We had been climbing steadily since we left the canal, and now we climbed more steeply up to Bednall Belt, a belt of trees on the edge of Cannock Chase. The Chase lies on the Bunter Pebble Beds, water smoothed pebbles that were once carried by a mighty tropical river but now lie on the Chase making an awkward surface to walk on. Clearly many had been caught up in yesterday's floodwaters.

Looking back from Bednall Belt.

We Stafford members were very pleased to introduce our fellow walkers to the Chase, although the Way only passes through its western fringe. Walking up to the Oldacre Valley.

Climbing up from the Valley

Once we reached the Glacial Boulder, we felt we had earned a rest.

Then we walked down into the Sherbrook Valley

and walked along the edge of the busy A513 - whose idea was that? - to the Shugborough Hall estate.
Tower of the Winds.

a longhorn cow

Shugborough Hall, once the seat of the Anson family

We crossed the river on the Essex bridge, reputedly built by the Earl of Essex so that he could visit Queen Elizabeth at Chartley,

and then we crossed the canal to end our day at the Clifford Arms in Great Haywood.

As you can see, we are still smiling!

Tomorrow we'll rejoin the Staffs and Worcester canal at Great Haywood. We hope to reach Uttoxeter, or at least get within striking distance of it.

Submitted by Sarah


  1. Sarah, your wonderful photos make me feel as if I'm on the walk with you. Glad it dried out a bit yesterday - we don't want anyone getting trench foot! Keep smiling!

  2. Well done folks - my word you are having a very intersting time. Hope the weather dries up for you. Best foot forward! Good luck from Carole

  3. You are all doing SO well and the marvellous photos and step by step account help us to imagine what its like. Thank you so much for finding the time to do the blog and GOOD LUCK for the last few miles.

    Sarah (Akhtar) and Marilyn Vigurs (who cannot comment as she is on holiday in Kent!
