Wednesday 20 June 2012

Just Can't Get Enough.....

and just in case you'd like to have more of Monday's day of rambling in the Staffordshire Moorlands, here are some pics of the Sprinters' walk (most difficult).....
Sprint away!

along dale
down Gypsy Bank

across the River Dove

down to Wetton Mill
chatting to the walk leader

last ascent - Harry's hill. Phew!

And finally, a reward for all that hard work!


  1. The sprinters beat the striders back to the tea room and nearly polished off the rhubarb crumble cake before we strode in!

    The photos in this post, and the rest of the Staffs Way blog, are a good reminder of how green pleasant our countryside looks when the sun is shining.

    Trentham NWR group's meeting this week is about walking generally, plus a specific recommendation of a favourite walk.

    What walk would you recommend to others?

  2. Sarah matthews21 June 2012 at 12:51

    It's quite inspiring to see all the interest in walking that Marilyn's challenge has aroused.
    If you fancy trying a long distance walk that is neither too challenging nor too far away, what about The Limestone Way, 'a route through the heart of the Derbyshire limestone dales, heading south from Castleton through Peak Forest, Millar’s Dale, Flagg, Monyash, Youlgreave, Winster, Matlock, Bonsall, Ible, Parwich, Tissington, Thorpe, crossing the Dove to Marten Hill, Lower Ellastone and finishing in the Dove valley at Rocester.'
    I have walked this one, and it was delightful.
    As The Ramblers say, 'Keep Walking!'
    Sarah Matthews
