Tuesday 7 August 2012

Walking the Dog[s]

We completed the Alrewas stage of the walk over two days - on May 19th (which was chilly but dry) and July 14th (some sun but some very heavy showers).   One member, Jenny Jenkins, penned a brief but expressive account of our experience in the form of the following ditty...

Saturday May 19th

Five on a mission, (with 2 dogs) walked over Cannock Chase ---- What a slog!

Valleys, hills, streams, we saw them all and even visited Shugborough Hall.

From Glacial Boulder to the lock at Colwich, it all went without a hitch.

Saturday July 14th

Five on a mission, (with 2 dogs) walked over Cannock Chase ---- What a bog!

Fields, stiles, woods, bogs, we saw them all, and oh how the rain did fall.

From Glacial Boulder to Penkridge tow path, so desperate to get a hot bath!

The photo is from the end of the first section.  We got very wet on the second section but had no camera with us to record it - we couldn't believe that no-one had remembered to take this essential bit of kit!

Kathryn Buckman


  1. Thank you Alrewas for your concise but expressive account! I hope you enjoyed walking your sections, despite the rather unseasonal weather on both days. One of your dogs looks noticeably unimpressed and has turned his back to the camera.

    Because you have now completed your stage, there are no more dates on the walking calendar, so it looks as though, between us, we have now walked the entire length of the Staffordshire Way and our challenge has been well and truly achieved.

    Thank you to everyone who has taken part and shared their experiences. I have enjoyed reading them. I feel as though I was walking along with you!

    Marilyn Vigurs

  2. Your ditty says it all, Alrewas - typically, unreliable English weather! Well done and congratulations to all the Staffordshire NWR groups plus Wolverhampton and Codsall on completion of the walks. We can truly say we did the Staffordshire Way, our way!
