Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Sun Has Got His Hat On

The Marchington group chose to walk Stage 2 of the Staffs Way from Ryecroft Gate to Oakmeadow Ford Lock as for us it was a relatively unexplored area. July the 18th was our original start date but after advice from Marilyn, taken from the blog of the experiences of the "complete Staffs Way walkers" during the inclement weather (stars indeed!), we decided to delay, not wishing to don gaiters up to our waists and wield machetes to tame the undergrowth! 
So, six of us arrived at our starting point on Wednesday 8th August. Invigorated by our "caffeine fix" and crunchy nut biscuits

... suitably attired, waving farewell to our volunteer drivers

... we set off in very good spirits encouraged by a hint of blue through the cloud. Within a very short distance a magnificent panorama including Rudyard Reservoir stretched out around us before we headed off through the woods
... and by then the sun really had got his hat on!

On reaching the visitors center at Rudyard Reservoir we were so impressed by its serentiy and calmness in spite of it being a hive of activity with interest and sporting activities for all ages. This landmark is also a memorable beauty spot for Rudyard Kipling's parents. To complete the picture, the Churnet Valley Railway steam train could be seen chugging through the countryside. A truly rural scene almost taking us back in time.
We lingered a while and then headed off along the feeder canal for some distance. 

As we progressed along well trodden paths the foliage became denser but was given a wonderful lift by the sun's rays breaking through the branches.

A well-deserved rest and much needed sustenance with an impressive 180 degree vista and a very convenient low wall for added comfort!

Moving on, through open undulating countryside over a few sturdy stiles

Stepping it out ...

and views right across to Leek and the Roaches

Last lap ... yet another change of scene along the Cauldon Canal pausing to gen up on the Cheddleton Flint Mill, millers cottage and small museum.

The end is in sight!

Boots off and very welcome refreshment at The Boat Inn!

A perfect end to a perfect day ... cue for a song!

Submitted by Susan

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Walking the Dog[s]

We completed the Alrewas stage of the walk over two days - on May 19th (which was chilly but dry) and July 14th (some sun but some very heavy showers).   One member, Jenny Jenkins, penned a brief but expressive account of our experience in the form of the following ditty...

Saturday May 19th

Five on a mission, (with 2 dogs) walked over Cannock Chase ---- What a slog!

Valleys, hills, streams, we saw them all and even visited Shugborough Hall.

From Glacial Boulder to the lock at Colwich, it all went without a hitch.

Saturday July 14th

Five on a mission, (with 2 dogs) walked over Cannock Chase ---- What a bog!

Fields, stiles, woods, bogs, we saw them all, and oh how the rain did fall.

From Glacial Boulder to Penkridge tow path, so desperate to get a hot bath!

The photo is from the end of the first section.  We got very wet on the second section but had no camera with us to record it - we couldn't believe that no-one had remembered to take this essential bit of kit!

Kathryn Buckman

Friday 3 August 2012


Codsall and Wolverhampton Branch decided to walk stage 8 of the Staffordshire Way over two days.  We undertook our first walk, the shorter section, on 2nd July.  This walk followed the pathway from Brewood to Codsall.  We have now completed stage 8 by walking from Codsall to Seisdon on Monday 30th July.

The first sign post marking the start of our walk.
The weather was much improved, although we did have several short sharp showers, the sun shone briefly and we did see some blue sky.

Yes it’s raining!
We enjoyed our picnic and it’s dry!
 We enjoyed rambling through the peaceful countryside and had some good views towards Shropshire during the later part of the walk.  We observed a variety of butterflies including meadow browns and ringlets.  We also noted swallows flying above the fields and a pair of buzzards near some stables.  We all agreed the walk was an enjoyable challenge.  We had plenty of opportunities to chat to each other and strengthen our friendships. We thought it would be a good idea to plan a similar challenging walk in our program next year.

The end of a lovely day.  All 8 members arrive safely at Seisdon. 

Thanks to everyone for all their hard work organizing this event.

Submitted by Angela