Monday 12 March 2012

I've looked at clouds from (Both Sides Now)

Yesterday's walk took me from Rushton Spencer to the summit of The Cloud.

The weather man had forecast sunshine, but unfortunately it was......... cloudy for most of the morning.

This is the view from The Cloud looking towards Mow Cop 6 miles into the distance.

Cumulus clouds over Brocton Coppice, Cannock Chase (photo taken by Sarah last month).

More cumulus clouds - this time near the Glacial Boulder on the Chase (photo by Sarah).

Finally, a view from my front bedroom window - not many clouds around the evening this was taken!

(Click on any photo to enlarge.)


  1. What a view from your bedroom!! And I love clouds, rain. Here in the SE from a hosepipe ban - in Spring already! - please can we have some of your rain? Rain, rain rain fresh, clean, moist, fecund and growing!

    1. Hi Mary
      It's a good job there's no hosepipe ban in this area yet as we've just had our back garden landscaped and re-planted fron scratch. lots of watering going on here.
      Thanks for commenting - it's good to know I'm not prattling on to myself!
