Sunday 29 January 2012

All preferences received

All the NWR groups taking part in the Staffs Way Walk have sent in their preferences for their preferred walking stage. Two stages have proved less popular then the others and one of them has received "nul points".
Surprisingly this is the first stage, taking in Mow Cop and the Cloud along the Gritstone Edge with magnificent panoramic views. I would have expected this to be one of the premium stages, but maybe the terrain notes about steep climbs and descents were off putting to the strollers amongst us.
Groups will be notified of their dedicated stage during February and the walk will be launched at an NWR area event on 3 March at the Wolseley Centre. Then members can decide when to put on their walking boots and start walking!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

It's a Kind of Magic

Sarah, (Stafford NWR), took these atmospheric photos on Cannock Chase today.

How wonderful to catch the deer grazing in the frosty undergrowth!

Monday 16 January 2012

Me and My Shadow

I told you it was muddy down there! However, it was gloriously sunny and the sky was a heavenly bright blue as we took a brisk walk along the canal this afternoon.

Saw the first daffodil shoots too - a welcome reminder of the Spring to come.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Long and Winding Road

Groups are currently selecting which are their preferred stages for walking. Four groups have so far sent in their preferences. Who would have thought that Stage 5 around Abbots Bromley would prove so popular? The closing date for preferences is 3 February, but it might be wise to get them in before then!I have my fingers crossed that one group will plump for the Mow Cop stretch!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

These boots were made for walkin'.

 And that's just what they'll do! I'm intending to start my training gently by walking along the canal towpath near home. Only trouble is, it's very, very muddy down there at the moment. Mustn't find excuses though. Are you ready boots? Start walkin'!